Friday, January 30, 2009

My 2009 Challenge to Myself

I decided this year to write my husband a love note each day for the entire year. I decided to do this for several reasons. First, I really wanted him to know how much I love and appreciate him. Second, it is hard to always recall the little things I want to say when I'm writing him a card for a special occasion. So, I decided to spend a few minutes every night thinking about the little things he does and then write him a note.

So far, I haven't missed a day. There's been a few times when I had to write two at once, but so far he has 30 little love notes from me. I have noticed several positive things coming from this. Because I am identifying all the little things that he does, he tries to consistently do those little things. I feel that he has a new sense of appreciation for me as well. It's kind of a neat thing. I would challenge all married people out there to try this little experiment as well.


Steph said...

What a great idea! I'm going to give love notes to each member of our family every day for the month of February. I don't always take the time to say I love you or notice all the little things they do.
P.S. I'm glad Hayley is doing well.

Beth said...

Just another reason why you are so dang awesome! You are such a good example to me :)

About Me

I am a full-time high school teacher and mom of two beautiful girls. I love teaching English and helping students communicate in writing. I also love storybooking and helping people preserve their life/stories/heritage in beautiful storybooks. If you want to know more, check out