Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bragging Rights

February 19, 2009: Today, Raymond received the "Spirit of Peace" award at Pleasant Grove High School. We've been celebrating Freedom Week and the student body chooses Pleasant Grove citizens to honor as part of their assembly. They choose people who use their lives to serve their community. Raymond received his award with Senator Orrin Hatch! Needless to say, this was a very proud moment for me. Who would've thought he would share a stage and receive the same award as Senator Hatch? So, although the hours are lousy and Raymond has to put up with the "scum" of the earth, I am proud that he is a police officer. It is a very noble and selfless job, and I think he does a pretty good darn job at it.


Steph said...

Way to go Raymond!!!!!!!!!

Todd and Ashley said...

That is so awesome and what a neat experience for him. So good to see what you guys have been up to. Hope all is well for you and your family. Tell Raymond we say hi all the way from Columbus, Ohio.

Brenda said...

Awesome Raymond! Congratulations! We are proud of you - keep up the good work =)

About Me

I am a full-time high school teacher and mom of two beautiful girls. I love teaching English and helping students communicate in writing. I also love storybooking and helping people preserve their life/stories/heritage in beautiful storybooks. If you want to know more, check out