Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Crazy Mom Moment

This is Whitney making snow angels--in April. But that's not the crazy moment. The crazy moment came the next day when I turned in Whitney's kindergarten registration papers. It seems so crazy that she is this old. What happened to my chubby little baby who couldn't roll over because she was shaped like Buddah?
It use to be that after work my life was full of playing with a little baby and supervising a very active toddler. Now, it is not uncommon for both my daughters to want to go play at a friend's house when I come home from work. So, I find myself in an interesting position: alone. What do I do with myself? I know many of you are thinking: Miriam, you are crazy. You take a nap, read a book, do something you want to do. But, I find myself completely at a loss. I'm not sure how to feel about my girls not needing me every second of every day. It's a very strange, somewhat uncomfortable feeling. I'm sure it will be divine once I adjust. It's just really crazy right now.


Beth said...

Your not a crazy mom- because I think that I will have the same withdrawals. You should call me when your all alone, you can play with my chubby baby and chase my toddler around :)

Brenda said...

I will probably have the same withdrawals too, but right now, you KNOW I would do anything for an uninterrupted nap or book read. =)

About Me

I am a full-time high school teacher and mom of two beautiful girls. I love teaching English and helping students communicate in writing. I also love storybooking and helping people preserve their life/stories/heritage in beautiful storybooks. If you want to know more, check out www.robertsonyouruniquestory.com